What is Search Engine Optimisation? If you ask that question to five different people, its possible you could get five completely different answers.
Search Engines rank your site and display links to it in response to peoples search queries. How well your site is ranked by a particular search engine will depend on many factors including things like the number of other sites have linked to your page, and how relevant the text on your page is to the original search. Writing good, relevant copy that appeals to your target audience and working to become an authority on your subject matter are the most important things to help with these criteria.
Did you know that there are other things that can affect your search performance too?
Good quality, clean source code is one of them. A search engine robot reads the HTML from your website directly, so if its broken, or your website structure is unclear (even if it displays fine to a human) then it can cause your site to be ranked lower.
You can also use special markup which is invisible to humans but loved by search engines - recently, some of the major search engines including Bing, Google and Yahoo! got together to standardize this code so that all of their search engines would understand it. We can add this robot friendly code to your site to make it easier for the search engines to index.
Search Engine Optimisation done properly - no link farms, no keyword stuffing, no hidden content. Just high quality code written for robots, by humans.
Although every project is different, we strongly believe in clear, up-front pricing. Here are some example prices involving this type of work, please ask us for a free, no-obligation quotation.
If you're not convinced yet, read our case study on how WAM Europe benefitted from our organic seo services.