HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) markup forms the backbone of nearly all web pages whether static or dynamic.
HTML describes the structure and content of a page, while CSS helps to create and maintain a consistent style across multiple pages.
There are many software tools available that do a great job of writing HTML, but they often generate more markup than is actually required which makes a page more difficult to edit, more prone to inconsistencies on different browsers and platforms, and ultimately, slower to load.
Here at Codecraft, we have an in-depth understanding of HTML and CSS and write all of our code by hand to create faster loading, more search engine friendly web pages.
Although every project is different, we strongly believe in clear, up-front pricing. Here are some example prices involving this type of work, please ask us for a free, no-obligation quotation.
If you're not convinced yet, read our case studies on how projects including WAM Direct, WAM Europe, Subterranean Landscape and more benefitted from our html and css authoring services.